
Why my keyword

    [Arguments]    ${element}
    Wait Until Element Is Visible    ${element}
    Click Element    ${element}

doesn't always work? I have a test file where I'm using it about 50 times. There is only one element

<button id="x" ...>

which doesn't work always with the Push keyword. Pushing the element should generate extra text field to the screen. Maybe every second push button x is working correctly. When pushing the button x fails I can see in the screenshot that the button is hoovered, but there is not an extra text field y generated from pushing the button. The error message is that element y is not found in the page and also in the screenshot the element y is not in the page. In the error situation the test waits 20 seconds for the element.

How to fix the situation? Or is there bug with our application?? When I run our application manually there is never problem with the functionality.

What is difference between the keywords Wait Until Element Is Visible and Wait Until Element Is Clickable?

I tried also with Wait Until Element Is Clickable and also with it the test is not always working (the element y is not found in the page).

What does "doesn't work" mean in this context? Does selenium register the click but nothing happens? Do you get an "element not clickable" error? Something else?Bryan Oakley
I edited my questionSakke

1 Answers


This issue might be related to a few things depending on how the page loads. A few suggestions from my own work:

  1. Set a slight selenium speed of maybe 0.01s or so and see if it improves execution. I have noticed that in chrome that sometimes execution is a little to quick and it causes flaky tests.

  2. If you page contains JavaScript it’s best to wait until they are finished completing. I use a library for this we developed in house that extends the seleniumLibrary that I will link below. It also includes keywords like ‘Wait for and Click...’ and such that makes scenarios like above a lot cleaner to write.


Note that it requires python 3 but if you go back some real sees you can get a python 2 version but it’s not maintained anymore.