
Please can someone explain me one thing. Suppose I have an item, if I click it, then a drop-down menu appears. How to make that when you hover over menu items, they stand out like that?


Rectangle {
    id: main_window
    width: 600
    height: 600
    property int mrg: 10   

    Rectangle {
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        width: 500
        height: 500
        color: 'green'

        Text {
            id: field
            text: "Click!"
            font.pointSize: 20
            color: 'white'
            anchors.centerIn: parent

            MouseArea {
                id: ma
                anchors.fill: parent
                hoverEnabled: true

                onClicked: {
                    menu.x = ma.mouseX

            Menu {
                id: menu
                y: field.height
                MenuItem {
                    text: "Menu item"
                    highlighted: true


In the documentation, I came across the point that the proper highlight is responsible for selecting the appropriate menu item. I installed it in the True, but it did not change anything. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks a lot.


2 Answers


The default implementation of MenuItem doesn't include any visual highlighting feature, but you can adapt the graphical representation to your needs as explained in the Qt manuals. So, your MenuItem should look like this:

MenuItem {
    id: control
    text: "Menu item"

    background: Item {
        implicitWidth: 200
        implicitHeight: 40

        Rectangle {
            anchors.fill: parent
            anchors.margins: 1
            color: control.highlighted ? "blue" : "transparent" // blue background if the control is highlighed
            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                hoverEnabled: true // enable mouse enter events when no mouse buttons are pressed
                onContainsMouseChanged: control.highlighted = containsMouse // set the highlighted flag when the mouse hovers the MenuItem

Note that this implementation is based on the default implementation provided by Qt:

background: Item {
    implicitWidth: 200
    implicitHeight: 40

    Rectangle {
        x: 1
        y: 1
        width: parent.width - 2
        height: parent.height - 2
        color: control.visualFocus || control.down ? Default.delegateColor : "transparent"

Note that Bob's answer simplifies this solution by eliminating the MouseArea


Although it's an old question, I came across this as it was something I was wanting to do myself. I think m7913d's answer can be simplified a little by making use of the hovered property of MenuItem.

MenuItem {
    id: control
    text: "Menu item"
    hoverEnabled: true

    background: Item {
        implicitWidth: 200
        implicitHeight: 40

        Rectangle {
            anchors.fill: parent
            anchors.margins: 1
            color: control.hovered ? "blue" : "transparent"

The other thing I did was to retain the control.down handling of the original implementation, so the color expression is slightly more involved than shown here.