
In Drupal 8 you are able to use a specific theme for viewing the site which is shown to users in maintenance mode.

The basics are:

(1) uncomment the line

# $settings['maintenance_theme'] = 'bartik';

in settings.php and set the theme you want to be used for maintenance

(2) create a template maintenance-page.html.twig in your custom theme's template directory (core/modules/system/templates/maintenance-page.html.twig as a starter)

So this works great, but it also changes the theme used when running update.php with all its interactions.

Is there a way to use the custom theme for only the page dislayed to the user when the site is running in maintenance mode? Using the admin theme for update.php and stuff?

Thank you!


1 Answers


This module should solve your issue. It allows you to set which theme is used for which parts of your website.

So you could set all /admin pages to use another theme.
