Once the bot is created using qnamaker.ai, I wanted to deploy it in Azure using the SDK and publishing from VS2017, which let me define the top parameter to enable the Active Learning as shown in https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-CognitiveServices/tree/master/CSharp/Samples/QnAMaker But when I want to register it in dev.botframework the end point URL doesn't work.
If I use Azure Bot Service template, is not possible to set the top parameter but registering in my Bots is ready straight forward. I have realized that the URL from Azure template contains some extra info, that is not available in my web app ...code=2xDGuyPbupZIm8zsDOucgcHDvXO908dPIad2LFG2y/37TPecdMfQEw==
A "typical" URL from Azure, that work with other deployed Bots is https://"MyBotName".azurewebsites.net/api/messages
Please, can you help enabling the active learning in Azure templates for a Q&A bot? Can you explain me what should I add to get the "extra details" in my Web app URL?