
I have an Angular 2 Cordova application that's flushed out for Android now I'm working on iOS conversion.

I have a video component that allows streaming or optionally downloading the video to watch later. I have streaming working using video tag. I got it to work using video src rather then the source child element which didn't work.

<video width="100%" src="https://path/to/source.mp4" controls></video>

For some reason though it won't play local files, either with path type cdv/file. I'm using cordova-plugin-file to store the video file and it's working fine. I navigated to the /Documents folder for the app with a separate tool and found the video was stored correctly and plays fine on my machine.


So really the last step is why the browser isn't playing the file? is it preventing the url? do I need to use a relative path and if so how do I get to /Documents folder? from www/


1 Answers


I found a solution using cordova.file

If i use


I get a path with an ID, which I assume is the application ID. Well what I failed to realize is that every time the application is built using xCode it creates a new ID.

So when I was hardcoding in the file url to the video tag, i was using an old ID. By use the cordova.file path it has the right ID every time and consequently the correct root path.