I have been successfully using Observables throughout my Angular app. Up until now I've been explicitly subscribing in the component, and then using *ngFor to iterate over an array of records in the view. Now I'd like to simplify things by using Angular's async pipe in the various views - so that will handle subscription and un-subscription. So far this isn't working.
This is what I originally had (where I was subscribing in the component):
ngOnInit() {
this.clientService.getAll(1, this.pagesize)
.subscribe(resRecordsData => {
this.records = resRecordsData;
responseRecordsError => this.errorMsg = responseRecordsError);
And then in the view I was doing the following:
<tr *ngFor="let record of records.data>
By the way, the data structure from the API looks like this (the records I am iterating over are within the "data" array, hence "records.data" in the *ngFor above):
"count": 15298,
"data": [
So, to move to using the async pipe, I changed my component ngOnInit call to this, where I'm explicitly declaring this to be an observable, and assigning it to a variable "records":
ngOnInit() {
const records: Observable<any> = this.clientsService.getAll(1, this.pagesize);
I also brought the observable import from RxJs into the component, like so:
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
And then in the view I added the async pipe, like so:
<tr *ngFor="let record of records.data | async">
As I mentioned this isn't working. I'm not getting any console errors, I just don't see any data populated to the view. Also, in the console, "records" is an empty array.
By the way, my service "getAll" call looks like this:
getAll(page, pagesize) {
return this.http.get
.map((response: Response) => response.json())
errorHandler(error: Response) {
return Observable.throw(error.json().error || 'Server error');
I'm not sure what else is necessary to get the results to populate via subscription through the async pipe here. Any ideas what's missing or in error with my code here?