
I have created a new module named phpevaluation, and i want to configure security on this module (who use what), so i have to create a set of users groups to define my types of access, the problem is in the users group form , when I try to choose my created module from the list of applications I could not found it;

-I named the module phpevaluation (without dashes nor underscores)
-Inside my manifest.py file the application attribute is setted to True
-When I access using pgAdmin to the "ir_module_module" table I find the record and the "application" attribute is correction setted to True

I am using Odoo 10

what do you mean by users group form you mean the form in menu setting -> usres -> groups ?Charif DZ
Yes,Exactly In real it was a fake probelm because the field "Application" in the form corresponds to an Application category not Application (or module) so a users group (from the menu Setting -> Users -> Groups ) will be applied to a set of Applications (Modules)Bouzid MEDJDOUB
Merci kho ;) nice to meet you linkBouzid MEDJDOUB
Hia s7aibi. Nice to meet you too but in security you should create ir.model.security file to define the model security for your modelsCharif DZ
of course, Thank youBouzid MEDJDOUB

1 Answers


In real it was a fake probelm because the field "Application" in the form corresponds to an Application category not Application (or module) so a users group (from the menu Setting -> Users -> Groups ) will be applied to a set of Applications (Modules) not for a unique application, so if anyone want to make a groupd for a unique module he could name the category attribute in the manifest file the as the same of the application (module name)