I am creating an editor for a game using Unity game engine and I want to allow a designer to make new spells. What I am trying to achieve is that a designer will download a Unity particle system (or GameObject), save it on the computer and will give the game full path to it. Then the game should load the object and use it as a particle for a new spell.
I need to be able to load a Unity GameObject (particle system) during runtime from a folder. I tried it with Asset Bundles, but I don’t know how to use Asset Bundles when I only want to download the file from the computer (local file system) not from the server. Asset bundles work perfectly in Debug but not when I build and run it (It tries to connect to some server instead). I use the default script for Asset Bundles:
public class LoadAssets : MonoBehaviour
public const string AssetBundlesOutputPath = "/AssetBundles/";
public string assetBundleName;
public string assetName;
public GameObject loadedObject;
public bool finished;
public MessageWindow messWindow;
// Use this for initialization
//originally was start here might create problems
public IEnumerator Begin ()
messWindow.changeMessageAndShow("Asset " + assetName + " is loading.","Loading");
yield return StartCoroutine(Initialize() );
// Load asset.
yield return StartCoroutine(InstantiateGameObjectAsync (assetBundleName, assetName) );
public GameObject LoadObject()
//TODO wait for end of couroutine
return loadedObject;
// Initialize the downloading url and AssetBundleManifest object.
protected IEnumerator Initialize()
// Don't destroy this gameObject as we depend on it to run the loading script.
// With this code, when in-editor or using a development builds: Always use the AssetBundle Server
// (This is very dependent on the production workflow of the project.
// Another approach would be to make this configurable in the standalone player.)
AssetBundleManager.SetDevelopmentAssetBundleServer ();
// Use the following code if AssetBundles are embedded in the project for example via StreamingAssets folder etc:
// Or customize the URL based on your deployment or configuration
AssetBundleManager.SetSourceAssetBundleURL(Application.dataPath + "/");
// Initialize AssetBundleManifest which loads the AssetBundleManifest object.
var request = AssetBundleManager.Initialize();
if (request != null)
yield return StartCoroutine(request);
protected IEnumerator InstantiateGameObjectAsync (string assetBundleName, string assetName)
// This is simply to get the elapsed time for this phase of AssetLoading.
float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
// Load asset from assetBundle.
AssetBundleLoadAssetOperation request = AssetBundleManager.LoadAssetAsync(assetBundleName, assetName, typeof(GameObject) );
if (request == null)
yield break;
yield return StartCoroutine(request);
// Get the asset.
GameObject prefab = request.GetAsset<GameObject> ();
if (prefab != null)
loadedObject = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab);
// Calculate and display the elapsed time.
float elapsedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime;
Debug.Log(assetName + (prefab == null ? " was not" : " was")+ " loaded successfully in " + elapsedTime + " seconds" );
Thank you so much.