I want to get the mean of a sequence of images by using Imagemagick. Therefore I use the following command:
convert *.png -evaluate-sequence mean MEAN.png
Each of my images does contain an alpha channel. What I want is: Combine all the images by ignoring the alpha channel.
When I combine the images, the alpha channel is considered in the "mean" method and my final image has transparency. That isn't what I want.
I tried to add the parameter -alpha off, but then Imagemagick converts the alpha channel to black.
convert *.png -alpha off -evaluate-sequence mean MEAN.png
Photoshop does it right. I load all images in a stack and create a smart object. When I use the "mean" method in Photoshop, the alpha channel is not considdered in the final result.
Result that I want with Imagemagick:
Does someone have an idea how to do that with Imagemagick?
-channel RGB
. – Mark Setchellidentify -version
will tell you. – Mark Setchell