
I need to change the openid issuer

 "issuer": "https://gate.domain.com:443/oauth2/token"

to this

 "issuer": "https://api.domain.com",

Also change the JWT iss from

"iss": "wso2.org/products/am"


"iss": "https://api.domain.com"

I see in the api-manager.xml file a tokenEndPoint tag. I'm not sure altering that end point is the correct why to achieve what I want.

I read in this stackoverflow question, which has a similar issue. It said to alter this tag in identity.xml


I've tried altering in both places and my JWT iss claim still return "wso2.org/products/am"

what is the version of APIM you are trying this out with?farasath
I'm using APIM 2.1.0Bryan Mcneil
"wso2.org/products/am" comes in the JWT generated by the KeyManager component which IS NOT an openid connect token.farasath
in an id_token the default issuer value will be "" (token endpoint).farasath

1 Answers


Since I'm using a custom JWT Generator, I ended up just overwriting the iss with the static address I needed.