
I have a database in the SQL Azure Service (not in a VM). I can connect to the database using SQL Server Management Studio but I'm not able to connect using Power BI Desktop edition. The error is very genericenter image description here

"Unable to connect". I have tried to connect using both an AD and a SQL user. Is there a way to debug or troubleshoot a Power BI connection ? I do think Power BI is finding the server because if I put in a nonexistent server I get a message that the server can't be found. I'm wondering if this has something to do with the account I log into Power BI with although I have tried logging in to Power BI with the Azure admin account and I get the same failure message as in the screen capture image.


1 Answers


step 1 clean the stored credentials in the power bi -file>option and setting> data source setting> find your azure server and delete/clear permission

  • and then try to login using database login method in powerbi and provide the azure server name and optional database

  • note: azure sql server name should be like this : xxx.database.windows.net

make sure, if you are able to log in on the server using ssms then use powerbi on the same machine

For detailed steps http://www.powerbipanda.com/2017/04/error-connecting-power-bi-to-azure-sql.html