
I really need your help regarding calling SWRL rules from netbeans and retrieve data in netbeans . I have servelet and jsp pages in my netbeans , i have owl-api as well. I have ontology in my protege and 2 simple SWRL rules in side protege as well.

im new in this field and need to know how to call classes and from owlapi and how to send request to protege and how to return back the result of swrl ruls in netbeans by servelet .

it would be appreciated if you help me


-- Mehdi Tarabi


1 Answers


Results of SWRL rules require a reasoner supporting SWRL rules. The results of reasoning with SWRL rules are common axioms, there is no special method to obtain them. Protege is not required for this purpose; perhaps you're planning to use the SWRLAPI project?

Update: After reading the below comments, I'm convinced your best bet is using the SWRLAPI project. See here for its documentation and especially the section describing how to run SWRLAPI outside Protege:

If you'd like to be able to execute SWRL rules or SQWRL queries you will need a SWRLAPI-based rule engine implementation. Currently, a Drools-based SWRL rule engine implementation is provided. This implementation is also hosted on Maven Central. Its dependency information can be found here: https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/edu.stanford.swrl/swrlapi-drools-engine