I am trying to use the docusign-node-client to send an envelope using the createEnvelope class. This class sends a REST API request to the /envelopes endpoint. The envelope I am trying to send contains a Composite Template.
Here is the body I am attempting to send to docusign
"emailSubject": "Sent from Node SDK",
"emailBlurb": "Email body here",
"customFields": {
"textCustomFields": [
"name": "DSFSSourceObjectId",
"required": false,
"show": false,
"value": "dealIdHere"
"compositeTemplates": [
"inlineTemplates": [
"sequence": "1",
"documents": [
"documentBase64": "base64StringHere",
"documentId": "1",
"fileExtension": ".pdf",
"name": "filename.pdf"
"envelope": {
"emailBlurb": "Email body here",
"emailSubject": "Sent from Node SDK",
"customFields": {
"textCustomFields": [
"name": "DSFSSourceObjectId",
"required": false,
"show": false,
"value": "dealIdHere"
"recipients": {
"signers": [
"email": "myEmail@domain.com",
"name": "My Name",
"recipientId": "1"
"serverTemplates": [
"sequence": "1"
"status": "sent"
When I send this body I get the following error: "The request contained at least one invalid parameter. Invalid value specified for \'templateId\' in composite template sequence: 1"
If I remove the serverTemplates array, I get this error: "The Envelope is not Complete. A Complete Envelope Requires Documents, Recipients, Tabs, and a Subject Line."
If I include a valid templateId in the serverTemplate object it creates an envelope successfully.
The as is application I am converting to Node JS used the Docusign SOAP API and is able to send composite templates with 1 to many documents. Each of these documents can be associated to their own document template or no docusign template.
Does docusign not accept composite templates without some sort of reference to a template id?