I use python 2.7 and trying to plot a simple percentile bat chart.
I get the figure that i want, the problem is that, with it, when using plt.show() i get an extra blank image,
I tried plt.close(), plt.clf() and plt.figure() to create a clean plt object, this is my function:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = zip(*percentiles)
data = [list(i) for i in data]
tick_range = data[0]
ticks = [str(i) + "%" for i in tick_range]
tick_range = [x+2.5 for x in tick_range]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.bar(data[0], data[1], width=5)
the data (percentiles) variable is of the following structure [(i,v),(i,v)....] when i is a index, and v is a floating point value.