I'm having an issue with setting a custom wildcard domain on an Azure Website.
The azure website is demo.azurewebsites.net
And my custom domain is tenant1.demo.azurewebsites.net
I have done following steps : --
Step A:- Login into the portal.azure.com
Step B:- Then created zone with the following steps.
In this I filled all required information and select resource group as use existing. Because I have existing resource group. And click on create button.
C) After click on create button of above image it will show following image.
D) After that I crated record set. Please refer following image. I filled all information that required. Name = *
Type = CNAME
TTL = 1
TTL unit = Hours
Alias = my existing domain
E) after that I created custom domain.
When I am going to create custom domain it show following error.