I am currently involved in a Drupal 8 Project but I am very new to Drupal. The aim of the project, in short, is to build a website based on a existing design and the client can update the website in Drupal (like a modifying some article, upload images to gallery, adding slides to the a slider, etc.)
I already have a static html page with me.
At this moment, I set my target to move the slider of the static page to Drupal such that the user can add, remove or update a slide. Each slide will contain a background image, a title and a description text.
After a day of research I am now able to create my own theme and create a "hard-code" front page which is exactly the same with my static html page. I am struggle to convert the slides to generic items that the users can modify in Drupal.
I am reading some articles about Modules and Views, but feeling very lost.
Can I have some directions as to what aspect of topics or what techniques I should go through to achieve the target I mentioned? Thanks!