I want to be able to add custom properties to a request telemetry. I am able to do this with code such as:
public void LogRequest(IDictionary<string,string> properties)
var client = new TelemetryClient();
var request = new RequestTelemetry();
foreach(var prop in properties)
request.Properties.Add(prop );
This code works in the sense that it creates a request telemetry with all of the custom properties I wanted, however the application insights SDK is also creating a duplicate request telemetry (without my custom properties). So it's sending its own request telemetry and the one that I created.
While trying to do some research I found this: https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Functions/wiki/App-Insights-Early-Preview
Custom telemetry
You can bring the .NET App Insights SDK in and create your own TelemetryClient. There isn’t any conflicts, but there is some advice:
Don’t create TrackRequest or use the StartOperation methods if you don’t want duplicate requests – we do this automatically.
So my question is, is there anyway to send in my own custom request telemetry without the sdk automatically creating a duplicate message?
Also I would like to avoid using TrackEvent. Most of the information I need is already in the request object so I would prefer to use TrackRequest.
This is what I have in my application insights config in the track request section:
<Add Type="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web.RequestTrackingTelemetryModule, Microsoft.AI.Web">