
I have an app that uses UIWebView to browse websites, after some time I noticed that the cache size of the device is too huge, with some devices it could reach multiple Gaga Bytes

I found that the following folder AppData/Library/Caches/com.myApp/fsCachedData/ is growing with time

Mainly I think the problem happens when navigating through website that sets cache policy to the requests with very big max-age for example h&m website has max-age=31536000 for the item images

I am using the default NSURLCache without any modifications, but when I tried to limit the desk capacity as the mentioned here, it didn't prevent the cache size from expanding over the limit

let URLCache = NSURLCache(memoryCapacity: 4 * 1024 * 1024, diskCapacity: 20 * 1024 * 1024, diskPath: nil)

Any idea how to solve this problem and enforce the system to purge all old cache files automatically?

Note that I am search for a more optimized solution than clearing all the cache using NSURLCache.sharedURLCache().removeAllCachedResponses()


1 Answers


We had the exact same issue. The app's memory usage was going up from 100Mb to 500Mb.

The fix was to not use UIWebview and just use WKWebview. After that the memory usage was normal