I have a graph with 0.5 billion of nodes and edges in Neo. I want to find shortest path between 2 nodes that avoids supernodes (even if it is longer than paths having supernodes on them).
The below query works fine for smaller graphs, but never finishes for the graph of the size I am dealing with:
MATCH (n:Node { id:'123'}),(m:Node { id:'234' }), p = shortestPath((n)-[*..6]-(m))
WHERE NONE(x IN NODES(p) WHERE size((x)--())>1000)
If I remove the WHERE clause it is super fast. Typically subsecond.
How can I speed it up? Would precalculating node degrees and indexing them help? Should I resort to duplicating all the edges apart from the ones adjacent to supernodes, giving them a new label and using them for my shortestPath query without the WHERE clause? Any other suggestions?