I am trying to create nodes and relationships between them. Below is the code which I have used.
String cypherUri = "http://localhost:7474/" + "cypher";
JSONObject Neo4jQueryJSON = new JSONObject();
HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
String query = "CREATE (n:color {color: {name} }), (m:value {value: {name} }), (n)-[:hasVALUE]->(m)";
Neo4jQueryJSON.put("query", query);
Neo4jQueryJSON.put("params", params);
WebResource resource = Client.create().resource( cypherUri );
ClientResponse response =
.post(ClientResponse.class, Neo4jQueryJSON.toJSONString());
String result = response.getEntity(String.class);
int status = response.getStatus();
System.out.printf("POST %s %nstatus code [%d] %nresult %s%n", Neo4jQueryJSON, status, result);
I am trying to check is the node exists, if-not, only then create one aswell as the relationship between them.
String query = "CREATE (n:color {color: {name} }), (m:value {value: {name} }), (n)-[:hasVALUE]->(m)";