I have a problem with the reception of notifications when the origin is Azure, through Azure Notification Hubs. I followed the steps of this tutorial: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/application_fundamentals/notifications/remote-notifications-with-fcm/
At this time, after some problems with nuget dependencies conflict, I received correctly the notifications through the Firebase Console. However the "Test Send" option of Azure Notification Hubs seems to send the message but the device do not receive the notification.
Following this other tutorial to send Azure notifications with FCM Service https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/notification-hubs/notification-hubs-android-push-notification-google-fcm-get-started, some steps seems not to be possible in Xamarin.Android, like adding dependences in build.gradle.
How is it possible to incorporate those changes in a Xamarin.Android project?