
I have this method, which should create a new stock.location every time a new car model is added to fleet.vehicle class in Odoo v9 community.

class fleet_vehicle(models.Model):
_inherit = 'fleet.vehicle'

def crear_location(self):
    self.env['stock.location'].search([('name', '=', self.model_id)])
    self.env['stock.location'].create({'name': self.model_id})
    return crear_location

location_id = fields.Many2one("stock.location", string="Almacén Origen", store=True, compute=crear_location)

But, the field on fleet.vehicle form is readonly, for some reason, I mean, I can't select, nor create anything, it's just there.

What am I missing here?


I partially solved the issue by putting the attribute readonly=False on the location_id field, ut still, the stock.location isn't created whatsoever.


1 Answers


There are three things that may cause the problems:

1/ onchange in Odoo only return warning,domain or values. Refer to this post for more info

2/ location_id has 'compute' attribute, 'compute' often goes with @api.depends, not onchange. Please refer to this post for more explainations.

3/ In Odoo v9, self is recordset, you should use for loop to access single record

You should try your code like this (if using onchange, no need to use compute)

def crear_location(self):
    for record in self:
        location = self.env['stock.location'].search([('name', '=', record.model_id)])
        if not location:
            location = self.env['stock.location'].create({'name': record.model_id})
        record.location_id = location

location_id = fields.Many2one("stock.location", string="Almacén Origen")