
I am attempting to use profiles in my project pom.xml file to control deployment of my war file to a particular server. As an example, I have a local profile, and a development server profile. Here is how I have my profiles set up




I am calling

mvn org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.2:deploy

When I try this, I can see that instead of trying to connect to the IP address provided in my configuration, it is instead attempting to connect to localhost. I have both devTomcat and localTomcat defined in my local settings.xml file with username and password.

If I then add the -X option for more info I can see in the debug output for the plugin (emphasis added)

    [DEBUG] Configuring mojo org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.2:deploy from plugin realm ClassRealm[plugin>org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.2, parent: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@5c647e05]
    [DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.2:deploy' with basic configurator -->
    [DEBUG]   (f) charset = ISO-8859-1
    [DEBUG]   (f) contextFile = ....
    [DEBUG]   (f) ignorePackaging = false
    [DEBUG]   (f) mode = war
    [DEBUG]   (f) packaging = war
    [DEBUG]   (f) path = ...
    [DEBUG]   (f) update = false
    [DEBUG]   (f) url = http://localhost:8080/manager/text
    [DEBUG]   (f) version = 2.2
    [DEBUG]   (f) warFile =  ...
    [DEBUG]   (f) settings = org.apache.maven.execution.SettingsAdapter@61874b9d
    [DEBUG] -- end configuration --
    [INFO] Deploying war to http://localhost:8080/...  
    [DEBUG] No server specified for authentication - using defaults

It does not appear that my configuration settings are being adhered to! The way I thought this would work is that since the local profile is activated, it would use that configuration.

I did also try simply having the plugin defined in my <build> section, without the profiles, with the same effect. It always attempts to connect to http://localhost:8080 with no authentication.

It probably is worth noting that I am also using the gwt-maven-plugin for this project, and I don't know if this could be interfering with the tomcat plugin configuration.


1 Answers


Ok, turns out I was using the wrong groupID for the plugin. It isn't


it is


Works like a champ now!