
I have two Sheets connected to each other by IMPORTRANGE: Spreadsheet A has a list of names which I have to keep on updating every time a new person subscribes to my company. Other columns have their subscription fee, email addresses etc. Spreadsheet B has separate sheets/pages for each month where the names of people get automatically updated as I input names in Spreadsheet A since I'm using the IMPORTRANGE function.

So suppose I have 50 names in Sheet A. For the month of March, two new people subscribe to my company and I add their names in Sheet A. I would now want to have 52 names in both sheets A and B. For April, I'll duplicate the March sheet on Spreadsheet B and want the names to get updated in the same way as I input names in Spreadsheet 1. But the issue here is, since both March and April are connected to Spreadsheet A by the IMPORTRANGE, March will also start having the names I add for the month of April.

How can I stop the sheet of each month in Spreadsheet B from being autoupdated with Spreadsheet A at the end of each month?

Please note that I can't be using the Copy+Paste range function since I also need some other columns of Sheet A to get updated in Sheet B.

Can you use query( importrange () , "select * where ...") to only return the items prior to a given date?Karl_S

1 Answers


You won't be able to do direct, but you can definitely do in parts. Create a new sheet, only to import the range from other table, but import the range and the Month the person started working.

So your new sheet will look like: A | B Name | Month Joan | January Lia | January Lucas | March Listing every single employee.

Now you do a =QUERY('Sheet2'!$B3:C8, "select B where (C = 'January')") in the place you were doing your IMPORTRANGE. It will give you as output:

A Name Joan Lia

Hope it solves your problem.