
I have a .jar file that is perfectly running when I run it using cmd command :

java -cp myjar.jar MainClassName

Now I created .exe file using launch4j. But the exe file is not running when I double click on it. It is not showing any error nor output. I haven't used a "splash" option in launch4j. Should I have to use it to make the .exe file run? Please help how to run the .exe file. I can see the log file of my .exe file, created by launch4j, updating only when I run it using launch4j directly. But the output is nothing. Please help me with this.Thankyou

Does your file use a Frame? Under Header, u may have to switch the Header type from GUI to Console.MSD
No it doesn't use a frame.It is a client-server programHema Chandra

1 Answers


If you don't use a JFrame in your application then you need to use Console instead of GUI. Once check it. And also use jar2Exe application for converting jar to Exe file.