
My website is hosted on a different server, but I want to use Azure SQL Server database, however I am getting this error:

Cannot open server 'pollsurvey' requested by the login. Client with IP address 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect

I added my url in Azure firewall near about 1 day before but my issue is not resolved yet. Anyone have idea what can I do.

What about this error message do you not understand? I'm actually impressed that Microsoft has such a clear message with an explanation of how to handle the error.Gordon Linoff
I know the message i have add that ip in azure firewall but that is not workinguser5016754

2 Answers


Your connection is blocked by the Azure firewall

Go to the portal and add the Web server IP to the firewall rules of your SQL Azure server.


Johann's answer is correct, I am just providing the screenshot :)

enter image description here