I have this specific description of how to write a function called tim2string
, I have written this function but I'm unsure if I'm doing as it's Say's in the description. I have tried to run my code on MARS and I get this ERROR
.NOTE the tim2string
is added in the end of code.
timetemplate.asm line 99: Runtime exception at 0x00400118: address out of range 0x00005958
The description of function is the following
Name: The subroutine must be called time2string. Parameters (two): Register $a0 contains the address of an area in memory, suitably large for the output from time2string . The 16 least significant bits of register $a1 contains time-info, organized as four NBCD-coded digits of 4 bits each. All other bits in register $a1 can have any value and must be ignored.
Example: register $a0 can contain the address 0x100100017 , and register $a1 can contain the value 0x00001653. Return value: None. Required action:
The following sequence of six characters must be written to the area in memory pointed to by register $a0 .
1) Two ASCII-coded digits showing the number of minutes, according to the two more significant NBCD-coded digits of the input parameter. Example: '1', '6' (ASCII 0x31, 0x36):
2) A colon character (ASCII : , code 0x3A).
3) Two ASCII-coded digits showing the number of seconds, according to the two less significant NBCD-coded digits of the input parameter. Example: '5', '3' (ASCII 0x35, 0x33). 4. A null byte (ASCII NUL, code 0x00). Notes:You must use the function hexasc to convert each NBCD-coded digit into the corresponding ASCII code. Use the sb instruction to store each byte at the destination. The macros PUSH and POP are useful for saving and restoring registers.
# timetemplate.asm
# Written 2015 by F Lundevall
# Copyright abandonded - this file is in the public domain.
.macro PUSH (%reg)
addi $sp,$sp,-4
sw %reg,0($sp)
.macro POP (%reg)
lw %reg,0($sp)
addi $sp,$sp,4
.align 2
mytime: .word 0x5957
timstr: .ascii "text more text lots of text\0"
# print timstr
la $a0,timstr
li $v0,4
# wait a little
li $a0,2
jal delay
# call tick
la $a0,mytime
jal tick
# call your function time2string
la $a0,timstr
la $t0,mytime
lw $a1,0($t0) #load the adress contained in $t0 into $a1
jal time2string
# print a newline
li $a0,10
li $v0,11
# go back and do it all again
j main
# tick: update time pointed to by $a0
tick: lw $t0,0($a0) # get time
addiu $t0,$t0,1 # increase
andi $t1,$t0,0xf # check lowest digit
sltiu $t2,$t1,0xa # if digit < a, okay
bnez $t2,tiend
addiu $t0,$t0,0x6 # adjust lowest digit
andi $t1,$t0,0xf0 # check next digit
sltiu $t2,$t1,0x60 # if digit < 6, okay
bnez $t2,tiend
addiu $t0,$t0,0xa0 # adjust digit
andi $t1,$t0,0xf00 # check minute digit
sltiu $t2,$t1,0xa00 # if digit < a, okay
bnez $t2,tiend
addiu $t0,$t0,0x600 # adjust digit
andi $t1,$t0,0xf000 # check last digit
sltiu $t2,$t1,0x6000 # if digit < 6, okay
bnez $t2,tiend
addiu $t0,$t0,0xa000 # adjust last digit
tiend: sw $t0,0($a0) # save updated result
jr $ra # return
# you can write your code for subroutine "hexasc" and below this line
andi $a0,$a0,0xf #only 4 least significant bits ignore other bits
addi $v0,$zero,0x30 #$v0 = 0x30 ('0')
addi $t0,$zero,0x9 #t0 = 0x9
ble $a0,$t0,L1 #branch if a0 <= 0x9
addi $v0,$v0,0x7 #v0 = v0 +0x7
add $v0,$a0,$v0 #v0 = V0 +a0
jr $ra
jr $ra
PUSH ($t2)
PUSH ($t0)
PUSH ($a1)
lb $t0, 0($a1) #load one byte from a1 "LINE 99" ERROR
andi $t2, $t0,0xf #check the 4 lowest bits ignore other
jal hexasc # call hexasc
sb $t0, 0($a1) #stor back that byte in a1
lb $t0, 1($a1) # load the next byte
andi $t2, $t0,0xf0
jal hexasc
sb $t0, 1($a1)
lb $t0, 2($a1)
andi $t2, $t0,0xf00
jal hexasc
sb $t0, 2($a1)
lb $t0, 3($a1)
andi $t2, $t0,0xf000
jal hexasc
sb $t0, 3($a1)
POP ($a1)
POP ($t0)
POP ($t2)
jr $ra
Update 1.0
I had some progress to written time2string
function i have come so far
and still i need some help.
I single step through my code it's working fine until this linesb $v0, 0($t0) #stor that 4 bits in that location that a0 points to
I get this error timetemplate.asm line 115: Runtime exception at 0x00400158: address out of range 0x00000009
Here is the updated code
PUSH ($t0)
PUSH ($t1)
PUSH ($t2)
PUSH ($t3)
PUSH ($t4)
PUSH ($t5)
PUSH ($ra) #nested subroutine must store $ra too
add $t0,$0,$a0 #contaisn the adress of string (timstr)
add $t1,$0,$a1 #contains the time-info(0x5957)
andi $t2,$t1,0xf000 #check the 4 most signifaicant bits ignore other bits
srl $a0,$t2,12 #shift the MSB to LSB position (hexasc take only 4 bits in the LSB position)
jal hexasc # call hexasc
sb $v0, 0($t0) #stor that 4 bits in that location that a0 points to
andi $t3,$t1,0x0f00 #mask to get those 4 bits you and ignore other bits
srl $a0,$t3,8 #shift those bits to the LSB position(0x000f)
jal hexasc
sb $v0,1($t0)
li t5,0x3A
sb $t5,2($t0)
andi $t4,$t1,0x00f0
srl $a0,$t4,4
jal hexasc
sb $v0,3($t0)
move $a0,$t1
jal hexasc
sb $v0, 4($t0)
POP ($ra)
POP ($t5)
POP ($t4)
POP ($t3)
POP ($t2)
POP ($t1)
POP ($t0)
jr $ra
lb $t0, 0($a1) #load one byte from a1 "LINE 99" ERROR
in tim2string function . – user7583029time2string
. – user7583029$t0
is 9, which is not a valid address. Perhaps you forgot to add a base address. – Jester