I'm losing messages only when I'm subscribing to topics.
Here's the scenario:
The subscriber subscribes to a specific topic and then calls the publisher in a different thread (with the same context and the same "subscribed topic").
The publisher receives the "subscribed topic" and publishes it.
When I run two procedures (meaning 2 subscriber threads and 2 publisher threads), I receive only one message on one of the threads (randomly).
I have no idea why I'm losing the second message.
Publisher thread:
void *publisher = zmq_socket(ptStruct->zContext, ZMQ_PUB);
assert(0 == zmq_bind(publisher, "inproc://#1"));
printf("Publishes to %d \n", ptStruct->iID);
assert(-1 != zmq_send(publisher, &(ptStruct->iID), sizeof(ptStruct->iID), 0));
Subscriber thread:
void *subscriber = zmq_socket(ptStruct->zContext, ZMQ_SUB);
assert(0 == zmq_connect(subscriber, "inproc://#1"));
assert(0 == zmq_setsockopt(subscriber, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, &(ptStruct->iID), sizeof(ptStruct->iID)));
printf("Subscribed to %d \n", ptStruct->iID);
/* Now run the publisher in a different thread */
OSTHREAD_CreateThread(&ptThread, publishThread, ptStruct, NULL);
assert(-1 != zmq_recv(subscriber, acRec, 255, 0));
printf("Got %d \n", acRec[0]);
I run the subscriber thread twice and this is the output:
Subscribed to 1
Subscribed to 2
Publishes to 1
Got 1
Publishes to 2