I am looking to try lazy loading with webpack
. I split my app by routes, and every route has required component:
const Home = resolve => {
require.ensure([ "../components/Home/Home.vue" ], () => {
I got my chunks in separate folders every time I go to different route:
bundle1.js, bundle2.js, bundle3.js
an on for every component in routes.
Now I don't know how can I load only bundle I need for that route? If I put bundle.js
in index.html it will load the whole bundle, but I just want to load the only bundle that I need for that route?
<div id="app"></div>
<!-- how to auto inject build files here?? -->
There is section for Lazy Loading for Vue components. I did that and I get chunks of bundle files. But I don't know what is proper way to include them and load it.
Any help is appreciate. Thanks