
I am trying to get access token from access code. but there is a error of 400 Bad Request error

I am using this link to get Access code


in response of this link i am getting the code in query string with return url code=Mh12d04c8-8ea9-c82b-8cc5-b93cf913382c

i am using this code to get access token


But it is giving 400 Bad Request. please help me to solve this issue.

It will normally return an extended error code and error message. Can you check if that is the case and add them? For example, when I click the login.microsoftonline.com link, the error page has them in the lower right corner: "AADSTS90056: This endpoint only accepts POST requests. Received a GET request". Your POST would get a different error code.RasmusW
Also your redirect uri doesn't match between the calls. It needs to match what you've set during app registrationDan Kershaw - MSFT
@RasmusW no i did not get any error like this "AADSTS90056". i got the the bad request error 400. please help me.Dhrutika Rathod
@DanKershaw-MSFT my both return uri match which i set during registrationDhrutika Rathod
my another question is that "May i use personal Microsoft account with Microsoft Graph API?"Dhrutika Rathod

1 Answers


For this kind of issue , as @RasmusW suggested , you could use a tool like Fiddler to find the inner error message in the response . And as @ Dan Kershaw pointed out , you need to make sure reply address url in token request should match the reply address in Authorization code request . Otherwise you will get the error : The reply address 'xxxxx' does not match the reply address 'xxxx' provided when requesting Authorization code.

According to your request , you are using the Authorization Code Flow with v2.0 endpoint . You must add a “grant_type” parameter in the token request , and the value must be “authorization_code” for the authorization code flow. Please check it first if the inner error message is “AADSTS90014: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'grant_type” . Please click here for more details about OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow in v2.0 endpoint.

May i use personal Microsoft account with Microsoft Graph API

Yes .The v2.0 endpoint allow developers to write apps that accept sign-in from both Microsoft Accounts and Azure AD accounts, using a single auth endpoint.