I am attempting to add passwords to 1300 users in my OpenLDAP server for work.
I can add a password to a user if I utilize the following command
ldappasswd -s newpasswd -w adminpw -D "cn=admin,dc=school,dc=private" "cn=test user,dc=school,dc=private"
I have 1300+ people that I am adding passwords for though, and some users have duplicate names but different uids.
I do the following command when trying to use the UID but it doesn't find the user. The command is the same except for switching cn=test user for uid=testu.
ldappasswd -s newpasswd -w adminpw -D "cn=admin,dc=school,dc=private" "uid=testu,dc=school,dc=private"
According to all of the guides I've seen online this should work. Why do I get a No such object (32) error?
Just to note I am working on a test server for the moment. The user is made up for test purposes. "cn=Test User" "uid=testu" "uidNumber=1001" The user is in the base of the ldap "dc=school,dc=private" There is one group called "People" with a gid=501
I used http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2015/02/openldap-add-users-groups/ for a guide along with https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-manage-and-use-ldap-servers-with-openldap-utilities#various-other-ldap-commands
I am an ldap novice when it comes to adding users/modifying them, but I did build the servers, did set up replication between them and added TLS encryption for them.