I'm trying to use conditional formatting based on values in another sheet.
For example:
Sheet one needs the conditional formatting applied. If Sheet 2, says F
then the corresponding cell on Sheet 1 should highlight red.
So in this case, cells A1
& B3
on Sheet 1 should be highlighted in red. I selected cells $A$1:$B$3
on SHEET 1 and used Conditional formatting's formula and entered
and then chose red as the highlight color. But it didn't work. :(
Col A Col B
1 Dog House
2 Cat Pond
3 Fish Pond
Col A Col B
1 F T
2 T T
3 T F
needs to be inside quotes.='Sheet2!A1="F"
– Scott Craner'
so it's='Sheet2'!A1="F"
– chris neilsen