Using a laptop with a 4k screen and windows scaling turned on so that text looks the same size it would on a 1080p display.
When I open cygwin and run startxwin
xwin starts but at the resolution of the 4k display, not the scaled down 1080 resolution. Worse, when I connect another monitor i.e. a 2560x1440 display and make that the main display, now when I run startxwin it generates an xterm window on that new display but scaled down below the native resolution of the monitor so that it looks the same size as it did on the 4k native resolution (it's rendered with 4 times fewer pixels and looks awful).
What this tells me is that xwin is capable of scaling, but the configuration is wrong. Looking through documentation for xwin, I can't find a reference to scaling and I didn't really want to become an expert on xwin just to get my x terminals to appear the right size.
Does anybody know cygwin's xwin package well enough to provide a scaling how-to?
If not, does somebody have a better way of spawning multiple terminal sessions through a single ssh session? (i.e. how you can launch as many x windows as you want through a secured ssh session)