I need to create a Audio Player for streamed URL (m3u8 format). I have created music player using AVPlayer. But I need to show visualizer for streamed song. I have tried different solution but not found any working example of it.
I have created visualizer using AVAudioPlayer(averagePower) but it won't support streamed URL.
Any help to show visualizer for AVPlayer? Thanks in advance.
I have also tried using MYAudioTapProcessor which most of the people suggested, but for streamed URL, tracks always returns null.
Added the MYAudioTapProcessor.h and MYAudioTapProcessor.m in project
//Initialization of player
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem( url:NSURL( string:"https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8" ) as! URL )
let audioPlayer: AVPlayer = AVPlayer(playerItem:playerItem)
//Added periodic time observer
audioPlayer!.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(1, 1), queue: DispatchQueue.main) { (CMTime) -> Void in
if audioPlayer!.currentItem?.status == .readyToPlay
if let playerItem: AVPlayerItem = audioPlayer!.currentItem {
if (playerItem.asset.tracks) != nil {
self.tapProcessor = MYAudioTapProcessor(avPlayerItem: playerItem)
playerItem.audioMix = self.tapProcessor.audioMix
self.tapProcessor.delegate = self
//Delegate callback method for MYAudioTapProcessor
func audioTabProcessor(_ audioTabProcessor: MYAudioTapProcessor!, hasNewLeftChannelValue leftChannelValue: Float, rightChannelValue: Float) {
print("volume: \(leftChannelValue) : \(rightChannelValue)")
volumeSlider.value = leftChannelValue
Also tried by adding the "Track" observer.
playerItem.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "tracks", options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions.new, context: nil);
Now if play mp3 file, the callback method calls but for m3u8 callback method doesn't call. The main reason for failing m3u8 URL is it always show tracks array count zero whereas for mp3 files tracks array has one item.