
I am facing strange issue regarding Present and Dismiss ViewController.

For e.g :-

I am at ViewController A then i push to B

So in Navigation Controller Stack we have [A,B]

Now if i present any view controller on B (Like MFMailComposeViewController)

Then after sending mail or deleting draft it dismiss the MFMailComposeViewController and it redirects to A instead of B.

I have researched regarding this but can't find any alternative.

Can you show the didFinishWithResult method of MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate?Nirav D
Share the code how you are adding/removing(Push/Pop/Present/Dismiss) NavigationController,A,B and MFMailComposeViewController.Mohammad Zaid Pathan

4 Answers


if you have called Popviewcontroller method in didFinishWithResult method of MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate in ViewControllerB, then it could be possible. instead you avoid PopViewController method call in didFinishWithResult method call.


Hope this helps. Use it when you switch between A -> B.

```let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)

desiredViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "desiredViewController")

UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window??.rootViewController? = desiredViewController ```


try this to presented MFMailComposeViewController from B

self.navigationController?.present(MFMailComposeViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

You might have used

self.present(MFMailComposeViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Hope this helps


Hello you can do it like this, when you dismiss after sending mail or deleting draft it dismiss the MFMailComposeViewController and after that you can check the ViewController_Identifier if it is 'A_Screen' then avoid it or escape it. Else if, it is 'B-Screen' then navigate to that view controller.

Use this logic to navigate as you want.

let targetView: String! = self.restorationIdentifier
    if targetView == "A_Screen"{
                //Do nothing
    let B_View = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "B_Screen") as! BViewController

                self.navigationController?.pushViewController(B_View, animated: true)

Make sure, that you have set identifierID for your ViewControllers.

Hope it helps you.