I have the datanode, namenode and secondary namenode folder (with all data or information inside) from a a different hadoop installation.
My question is, how can you see whats in there or add it to your local HDFS to see the data or information.
There can be a way to restore it or something, but i cant find any information about it.
The folder tree is like this:
For Namenode & SecondaryNamenode:
├── current
│ ├── edits_0000000000000000001-0000000000000000007
│ ├── edits_0000000000000000008-0000000000000000015
│ ├── edits_0000000000000000016-0000000000000000022
│ ├── edits_0000000000000000023-0000000000000000029
│ ├── edits_0000000000000000030-0000000000000000030
│ ├── edits_0000000000000000031-0000000000000000031
│ ├── edits_inprogress_0000000000000000032
│ ├── fsimage_0000000000000000030
│ ├── fsimage_0000000000000000030.md5
│ ├── fsimage_0000000000000000031
│ ├── fsimage_0000000000000000031.md5
│ └── seen_txid
And for Datanode:
├── current
│ ├── BP-1079595417-
│ │ ├── current
│ │ │ ├── VERSION
│ │ │ ├── finalized
│ │ │ │ └── subdir0
│ │ │ │ └── subdir1
│ │ │ │ ├── blk_1073741825
│ │ │ │ └── blk_1073741825_1001.meta
│ │ │ │── lazyPersist
│ │ │ └── rbw
│ │ ├── dncp_block_verification.log.curr
│ │ ├── dncp_block_verification.log.prev
│ │ └── tmp
Thanks in advance.