
I have an ASP.NET Web API 2 which is using OAuth 2.0 for authorization. And let's imagine I have a simple Web API method, like:

GET: http://host/api/profiles/user123   (requires OAuth 2.0 token)

So, with Postman, it is easy to test this Web API. I get an OAuth token for user123 from the Web API OAuthAuthorization method and then I use that token in the header of the HTTP request:

GET /api/profiles/user123   HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Authorization: Bearer {Token}
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

However, if I save my test and run it later (either by Postman itself or by Newman), the token will be expired at that time and it won't work.

How can I make Newman to get a new token automatically for user123 and use it in the HTTP request?

Note: I know how to use Postman's Authentication helpers to ask for a new token. But this scenario doesn't fit the test-automation. In test-automation, I want to remove any human interaction.


1 Answers


It's simple, get your access token at run time and save it into environment variable. Then use it in your next Get request.

In Get Token request, do this in Tests sections:

var body = JSON.parse(responseBody);
pm.environment.set('AccessToken', body.access_token);

In your main Get request, you can use the environment variable in Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer {{AccessToken}}

Hope this helps.