I am starting to look at ngrx Store and I see the convenience to use the Angular async pipe. At the same time I am not sure whether using the Angular async pipe massively is a good choice.
I make a simple example. Let's assume that in the same template I need to show different attributes of an object (e.g. a Person) which is retrieved from the Store.
A piece of template code could be
<div>{{(person$ | async).name}}</div>
<div>{{(person$ | async).address}}</div>
<div>{{(person$ | async).age}}</div>
while the component class constructor would have
export class MyComponent {
person$: Observable<Person>;
private store: Store<ApplicationState>
) {
this.person$ = this.store.select(stateToCurrentPersonSelector);
As far as I understand this code implies 3 subscriptions (made in the template via the async pipe) to the same Observable (person$
An alternative would be to define 1 property (person
) in MyComponent and to have only 1 subscription (in the constructor) that fills the property, such as
export class MyComponent {
person: Person;
private store: Store<ApplicationState>
) {
.subscribe(person => this.person = person);
while the template uses standard property binding (i.e. without the async pipe), such as
Now the question
Is there any difference in terms of performance between the 2 approaches? Is the massive use of async pipe (i.e. a massive use of subscriptions) going to affect the efficiency of the code?
and also Presentational and Container Components. – cartant