extending on @Nikolay Balakin's answer, it's true the .NET Core projects using *.csproj
are not supported yet.
You can work around this by installing the latest .NET core on the hosted build environment yourself.
This will allow running dotnet restore
, dotnet build
, dotnet publish
, and dotnet test
Use the Inline powershell extension to run a script. You can link to a script, or paste the text in inline. I am running a script which is checked in to the project.
It seems each powershell script will be run in it's own environment, so paths etc. will not persist between scripts, so the installation steps and the build steps need to be combined into one script.
You need to copy the dotnet installation script from github and add your own build commands to the end.
I know this is not a long term solution, but we justified it by assuming the VSTS will in the near future support the *.csproj files, and we will convert to use the official build task.
Here is an example powershell script, showing the last line of the installation script, and the custom build commands on the end.
Say "Installation finished"
# this is the end of the downloaded script, add your steps after here.
Say "Running dotnet restore AdminPortal\AdminPortal.csproj"
dotnet restore AdminPortal\AdminPortal.csproj
Say "dotnet publish AdminPortal\AdminPortal.csproj --configuration Release"
dotnet publish AdminPortal\AdminPortal.csproj --configuration Release
Say 'Zipping publish file'
$source = $source + '\AdminPortal\bin\Release\net461\publish'
$destination = $destination + '\AdminPortal\bin\Release\net461\publish.zip'
Add-Type -assembly "system.io.compression.filesystem"
[io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($source, $destination)
Say "Publish finished"
dotnet test "AdminPortal.Tests\AdminPortal.Tests.csproj"
Say "Test finished"
exit 0