
Getting this error while building a react-native iOS app on xcode.

enter image description here

Started getting this error after npm install and rpm linking react-native-fs library. But after searching online for a solution, I noticed that many people are getting the same error while installing other react native libraries.

A possible solution suggested by many is, Adding the following under "Build Settings" -> "Header Search Paths".

$(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native/React - (Recursive)

But no luck with this solution, still getting the same error

I'm getting this same error with v0.41.2, it should work with <React/RCT...> but it doesn't :/pgarciacamou
@camou see my answer below; it may helplawrence
@CecilRodriguez What version do you have for react-native-fs?. If you are manually adding with XCode please check github.com/itinance/react-native-fs#adding-manually-in-xcodeShubham Khatri
I am getting this error :Unable to resolve module react-native-webrtcAnkita
If you've having M1 chip then this should fix it. stackoverflow.com/a/68275769/2643815Smart Coder

21 Answers


In my case this particular problem happened when I was trying to archive a 0.40+ react-native app for iOS (solution was found here: Reliable build on ^0.39.2 fails when upgrading to ^0.40.0).

What happened was that Xcode was trying to build the react-native libraries in parallel and was building libraries with implicit react dependencies before actually building the react library.

The solution in my case was to:

  1. Disable the parallel builds:

    • Xcode menu -> Product -> Scheme -> Manage Shemes...
    • Double click on your application
    • Build tab -> uncheck Parallelize Build
  2. Add react as a project dependecy

    • Xcode Project Navigator -> drag React.xcodeproj from Libraries to root tree
    • Build Phases Tab -> Target Dependencies -> + -> add React

Make sure you disable Parallelise Build and add React target above your target

enter image description here


QUICK FIX (not the best)

Change the import react-native header lines:

 #import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
 #import <React/RCTLog.h>


 #import "RCTBridgeModule.h"
 #import "RCTLog.h"

Here is an example of changes I had to make for the library I was trying to use: Closes #46 - 'RCTBridgeModule.h' file not found.



  #import "RCTBridgeModule.h"


 #import "React/RCTBridgeModule.h"

For viewers who got this error after upgrading React Native to 0.40+, you may need to run react-native upgrade on the command line.


If Libraries/React.xcodeproj are red in xcode then reinstall node_modules

rm -rf node_modules && yarn

My newly created project from react-native 0.46.3 was red :S I have npm 5.3.0 and yarn 0.24.5 when I did react-native init


Latest releases of react-native libraries as explained in previous posts and here have breaking compatibility changes. If you do not plan to upgrade to react-native 0.40+ yet you can force install previous version of the library, for example with react-native-fs:

npm install --save -E [email protected]

I was able to build a debug, but I was unable to build an archive.

I solved this issue by dragging React.xcodeproj found in /node_modules/react-native/React to my root directory in Xcode, then added React as a target dependancy in build phases > target dependencies.


For me, this error occurred when I added a new scheme/target (app.staging) in the app and installed pods using pod install.

This issue is occurring due to pods are not shared for all targets. So I need to add newly added target (app.staging) inside the Podfile.

Here is my Podfile.

platform :ios, '9.0'
require_relative '../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules'

target 'app' do
  # Pods for app
  pod 'FBLazyVector', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/FBLazyVector"
  pod 'FBReactNativeSpec', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/FBReactNativeSpec"

  target 'appTests' do
    inherit! :search_paths
    # Pods for testing

  # Pods for staging app // important line below
  target 'app.staging'


After React Native 0.60 this issue is often caused by a linked library mixed with the new 'auto-linking' feature. This fixes it for me

Unlink old library using

$ react-native unlink react-native-fs

Refresh Pods integration entirely using

$ pod deintegrate && pod install

Now reload your workspace and do a clean build.


This error appeared for me after I ran pod install command for the new dependencies. Along with those, React had also been installed. Therefore probably Xcode was confused for path. I removed these lines from PodFile and error was gone. Please note that those removed from here were already linked in Xcode.

target 'app' do

  pod 'GoogleMaps'
  pod 'Firebase/Auth', '~> 6.3.0'
  pod 'Firebase/Database', '~> 6.3.0'

  # Removed four pods below and it worked.

  pod 'react-native-image-picker', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-image-picker'

  pod 'ReactNativePermissions', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-permissions'

  pod 'react-native-image-resizer', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-image-resizer'

  pod 'RNFS', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-fs'


I receive this error in any new module I create with create-react-native-module. None of the posted solutions worked for me.

What worked for me was first making sure to run yarn in the newly created module folder in order to create node_modules/ (this step is probably obvious). Then, in XCode, select Product -> Scheme -> React instead of the default selection of MyModuleName.


Go to iOS folder in your project and install pod -

$ pod install

If you are getting any error in installation of pod type command-

$ xcode-select -p

Result should be - /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

If the path is incorrect then open your iOS project in Xcode and go to: Xcode->preferences->command line tools-> select Xcode

And again install the pod your issue will be fixed.


anhdevit's suggestion in https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/24363#issuecomment-488547280 worked for me:

In your terminal, run: defaults delete com.apple.dt.Xcode


If you want to make it from your editor also open SMobile.xcscheme

And change parallelizeBuildables = "NO"


For me didn't work any from the above solutions and below it is what worked (I had already checked out Parallelize Build and added React)

1. Open XCode --> To Libraries add `$LibraryWhichDoesNotWork.xcodeproj$`
2. Then for your app in the `Build Phases` add to the `Link Binary with Libraries` the file `lib$LibraryWhichDoesNotWork$.a`

I've encountered this issue while upgrading from 0.58.4 to new react-native version 0.60.4. Nothing from what i found on the internet helped me, but I managed to get it working:

Go to build settings, search for 'Header search paths', select the entry, press DELETE button.

I had these values overriden, and looks like they fell back to defaults after deletion. Also Cocoapods was complaining about it with messages in Terminal after pod install:

[!] The `app [Release]` target overrides the `HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-app/Pods-app.release.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation

I ran into this issue after doing a manual react-native link of a dependency which didn't support auto link on RN 0.59+

The solution was to select the xcodeproj file under the Libraries folder in Xcode and then in Build Settings, change Header Search Paths to add these two (recursive):


If you want to keep Parallelise Build enabled and avoid the missing header problems, then provide a pre-build step in your scheme to put the react headers into the derived-data area. Notice the build settings are coming from the React project in this case. Yes it's not a thing of beauty but it gets the job done and also shaves a lot of time off the builds. The prebuild step output ends up in prebuild.log. The exact headers you'll need to copy over will depend on your project react-native dependencies, but you'll get the jist from this.

Edit Scheme => Build

Get the derived data directory from the environment variables and copy the required react headers over.

#build_prestep.sh (chmod a+x)
derived_root=$(echo $SHARED_DERIVED_FILE_DIR|sed 's/DerivedSources//1')
react_base_headers=$(echo $PROJECT_FILE_PATH|sed 's#React.xcodeproj#Base/#1')
react_view_headers=$(echo $PROJECT_FILE_PATH|sed 's#React.xcodeproj#Views/#1')
react_modules_head=$(echo $PROJECT_FILE_PATH|sed 's#React.xcodeproj#Modules/#1')
react_netw_headers=$(echo $PROJECT_FILE_PATH|sed 's#React/React.xcodeproj#Libraries/Network/#1')
react_image_header=$(echo $PROJECT_FILE_PATH|sed 's#React/React.xcodeproj#Libraries/Image/#1')

echo derived root = ${derived_root}
echo react headers = ${react_base_headers}

mkdir -p ${derived_root}include/React/

find  "${react_base_headers}" -type f -iname "*.h" -exec cp {} "${derived_root}include/React/" \;
find  "${react_view_headers}" -type f -iname "*.h" -exec cp {} "${derived_root}include/React/" \;
find  "${react_modules_head}" -type f -iname "*.h" -exec cp {} "${derived_root}include/React/" \;
find  "${react_netw_headers}" -type f -iname "*.h" -exec cp {} "${derived_root}include/React/" \;
find  "${react_image_header}" -type f -iname "*.h" -exec cp {} "${derived_root}include/React/" \;

The script does get invoked during a build-clean - which is not ideal. In my case there is one env variable which changes letting me exit the script early during a clean.

if [ "$RUN_CLANG_STATIC_ANALYZER" != "NO" ] ; then
    exit 0 

My solution was to remove everything in Libraries like described here


What you can do to get it right is:

1) npm uninstall reat-native-fs to uninstall library

2)npm unlink react-native-fs to unlink the library

Now the library is successfully removed and now install the lib again in your project and this time link everything manually. Sometime automatic linking causes this error.