
In Odoo v8 there is a Unit of Measure field on the Product form: Product form Odoo v8

But it's not on the same form in Odoo v10: Product form Odoo v10

How can I display this field in Odoo 10?


2 Answers


You have to go in the Settings part of Sale and click the Settings menu. There you'll find a lot of options to choose from. Utlimately you'll want to check the radio button next to the unit of measure title allowing you to choose different unit of measures on sales and purchases.

Similar settings can be found on the Purchase and Inventory management modules. Sorry if the names don't exactly match yours, I'm using Odoo in French and am translating on the fly.


click on Inventory > Configuration > Settings and find this: picture guide

make sure your unit of measure setting is "Some products may be sold/purchased in different units of measure (advanced)"