I have an excel file that contains two worksheets. Sheet1 contains column A that I need to match to another column A in Sheet2. Where there is a match between Sheet1 Column A and Sheet2 Column A, I want the MAX value from the third column B from Sheet2. Sheet2 Column A has duplicate values and I want the MAX value from Sheet2 Column B to be copied to Sheet1 Column B.
I would appreciate any help on this.
Example below:
Column A Column B
Column A Column B
A1234 20020105
A1234 20020105
A2345 20010305
A3456 20100505
A3456 20100605
I have tried the below formula and can't quite get it to work
=match(Sheet1!A2,Sheet2!A2:A26283,0),vlookup(A2,Sheet2!A2:B26283,2,0), "")
Added Info: Sheet2 can be sorted.
How I resolved my issue:
I created a custom sort in sheet2, first by Column A asc, then added another level to sort Column B in desc order. That allowed for the MAX column being on top for where Column A values were duplicated.
I then copied and paste the two columns from sheet2 into sheet 1. I now did a VLOOKUP where sheet1 Column A matched my most left column from the lookup table which has been locked. The VLOOKUP returned the first value where a match existed for index = 2 which is the 2nd column in the lookup table. The values now exist in the Sheet1 Column B field.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.