Based on the data you provided I think you are looking for something like this, to me "stacked" means that the male and female number are on top of each other to also show the total. The beside
argument buts the bars next to each other for male and female.
x <- "1 278 male
1 13 female
2 890 male
2 60 female
3 80 male
3 1029 female"
R <- read.table(textConnection(x))
colnames(R) <- c("Categories", "Number", "Gender")
dat <- reshape(R,direction = "wide", idvar = c("Gender"), timevar = c("Categories")) ##barplot requires a vector of heights or a matrix
colnames(dat) <- gsub("Number", "Category", colnames(dat))
barplot(as.matrix(dat[,2:4]), col=c(2,3))
legend("topleft", bty="n", col=c(2,3), legend=dat[, 1], pch=15)
Stacked barplot
barplot(as.matrix(dat[,2:4]), col=c(2,3), beside = T)
legend("topleft", bty="n", col=c(2,3), legend=dat[, 1], pch=15)
. – kaksat