You can add color to your icon by adding color
css in the Style attribute of your span like this:
<span class="fa #STATUS_ICON#" style="color: green;"></span> #STATUS#
and for the link:
<div class="dm-IRR-icon"> <span class="fa #STATUS_ICON#" style="color: red;"></span> <span class="dm-IRR-iconLabel">#TASK_NAME#</span> </div>
You can also make the icon bigger or smaller by adding in the style the font-size attribute like this: style="color: green; font-size: 15px;"
Edit1: To have different color you have 2 options:
I. Add a new column (icon_color named in my example) in your sql query to bring the color and use it in the HTML Expresion.
SELECT task_name,
CASE status
WHEN 'Open' THEN 'fa-clock-o is-open'
WHEN 'Closed' THEN 'fa-check-circle is-closed'
WHEN 'On-Hold' THEN 'fa-exclamation-circle is-holding'
WHEN 'Pending' THEN 'fa-exclamation-triangle is-pending'
END status_icon,
CASE status
WHEN 'Open' THEN 'red'
WHEN 'Closed' THEN 'green'
WHEN 'On-Hold' THEN 'pink'
WHEN 'Pending' THEN 'orange'
END icon_color,
FROM eba_ut_chart_tasks
HTML Expression:<span class="fa #STATUS_ICON#" style="color: #ICON_COLOR#"></span> #STATUS#
II. Add all the logic inside 1 case in your query like this:
SELECT task_name,
'<span class="fa '||
CASE status
WHEN 'Open' THEN 'fa-clock-o is-open" style="color:red'
WHEN 'Closed' THEN 'fa-check-circle is-closed" style="color:green'
WHEN 'On-Hold' THEN 'fa-exclamation-circle is-holding" style="color:blue'
WHEN 'Pending' THEN 'fa-exclamation-triangle is-pending" style="color:pink'
END ||' "></span>'||status as status,
FROM eba_ut_chart_tasks
For this option don't forget to go on your column (Status in this case) and set the Escape special characters atribute to NO.
<span class="fa #STATUS_ICON#"></span> #STATUS#
and report attiribute -> custom link:<div class="dm-IRR-icon"> <span class="fa #STATUS_ICON#"></span> <span class="dm-IRR-iconLabel">#TASK_NAME#</span> </div>
– Murat Yürürselect task_name, start_date, status, case status when 'Open' then 'fa-clock-o is-open' when 'Closed' then 'fa-check-circle is-closed' when 'On-Hold' then 'fa-exclamation-circle is-holding' when 'Pending' then 'fa-exclamation-triangle is-pending' end status_icon, assigned_to from eba_ut_chart_tasks order by 2
– Murat Yürür