I'm using Rain Lab Post in October CMS. I have no problem using the blogPost component and get post from a single category. E.g. This is a partial where show the last 5 post from a category
pageNumber = "{{ :page }}"
categoryFilter = "{{ slug }}"
postsPerPage = 5
noPostsMessage = "No news in this category"
sortOrder = "published_at desc"
categoryPage = 404
postPage = "singlePost"
<li> <a href="#">{{category.name}}</a>
<ul class="drop-down full-width col-5 hover-expand">
<li class="validation">
<h2 class="mm-title">{{category.name}}</h2>
{% for post in posts %}
{% for image in post.featured_images|slice(0,1) %}
<a href="{{ post.url }}"><img src="{{ image.path }}" alt=""></a>
{% endfor %}
<h3><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{post.title}}</a></h3>
{% endfor %}
But now, I'm working in the home page and want to display the last post from all categories. 1 per category, 5 categories, combined.
Somebody knows how to do this?
Thanks in advance