
I create Backend server, which gets the ID Token from mobile application (iOS). How can I verify that this token is OK and can be used it securely?

Official Google's documentation about validating token:


It recommends to verify the ID Token locally, without sending verification request to the Google. Is it OK to check some fields from ID Token locally like in documentation or maybe should I send some request to Google to verify token as well?

Google documentation mentions about debugging and verifying ID Token with:


But it doesn't recommend to use it in production. I thought also about using Access Token along with the Id Token and verify Access Token first with:


But does it make the whole process of validating client's credentials (mobile app, web app) more secure?


1 Answers


Fist let me start by saying I don't work for Google. However I have been developing with Google Oauth2 since 2012. A while back I asked a Googler just this question.

His recommendation was if you have a refresh token just request a new access token. If its bad the server will return an error. If you have an access token send a request if its bad the server will return an error.

There isn't really much point in validating it first your just sending two requests to the server for every request you make. All you will be doing is preventing errors on a small percentage of the requests you are making in the long run.

I have never bothered with the id token. Id token is a jwt so you should be able to open it I think.


You should consult Verifiy the integrity of the id token.

You can also do some checking on your own. The id token is a jwt if you decrypt it you get or by calling the tokeninfo endpoint

  "iss": "https://accounts.google.com",
  "azp": "407408718192.apps.googleusercontent.com",
  "aud": "407408718192.apps.googleusercontent.com",
  "sub": "11720055326",
  "at_hash": "HQVaIRLqmsjaTt8KoOIQ",
  "name": "Linda Lawton",
  "picture": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AAuE7mDuIWqXzrrp-65cIhXSD2HjCI8WYsWHR0fDx5_wQPY=s96-c",
  "given_name": "Linda",
  "family_name": "Lawton",
  "locale": "en",
  "iat": 1567751,
  "exp": 1567755
  • iss should be https://accounts.google.com
  • aud will be the client id of your app 7408718192.apps.googleusercontent.com
  • at_hash there may also be some way to validate against this but i haven't bothered