
In the ngOnDestroy method, I unsubscribe from an observable which I subscribed to once else the code is multiple times executed...

    this.sub = this.route.params.subscribe(params => 
        this.projectId = +params['id'];
        this.projectStore.project = this.projectId;

        // load data when the route changes
        this._tasksService.gettasks(this.projectId).subscribe(years => { this.tasks = years.map(y => new task(y)) }); // no need to clean up the subscription

    // load data when the component is initialized
    this._tasksService.gettasks(this.projectId).subscribe(years => { this.tasks = years.map(y => new task(y)) }); // no need to clean up the subscription



Now I want to put this in a router resolve class but there is no ngOnDestroy - of course - just a NavigationEnd event which I again could subscribe to.

That means I subscribe to a NavigationStart event (which occurs when I leave the route) in order to unsubscribe another subscription which is the route params change subscription HAHAHA...

I guess that's not the way to go, but Google offered nothing.

Anyone knows how to tackle that scenario? Or should route params change subscription really ONLY belong into a component?

  constructor(private service: TasksService, private router: Router)

   this.navigationEnded = this.router.events
      .filter(event => event instanceof NavigationStart)
      .map(() => this.router.routerState.root)
      .subscribe((event) =>


When I put this code in the resolve method:

  this.route.params.subscribe(params => 
         // reload data by the new id parameter does not work with params
         // I have to use inside here: route.params['id']

there is no id in the params array, its just of length 0.

Instead, I have to use route.params['id'] inside the params subscription, but why?

It's not entirely clear to me what the problem is or what you actually try to accomplish. Why do you think you need to unsubscribe? The router injected to a service is the root router and this router will stay the same the whole application lifetime.Günter Zöchbauer
I try to accomplish: I want to put the working code from ngOnInit/ngOnDestroy into a router resolve class and the behavior should be the same without router resolve class.Pascal
I would like to use the resolve feature because the loading of the data and then activating the route`s view has better enduser UX.Pascal

1 Answers


You can just use the first() operator. This way the observable completes after the first event. No need to unsubscribe this way:

  .filter(event => event instanceof NavigationStart)
  .map(() => this.router.routerState.root)
  .subscribe((event) =>