
I've two microservices,

  1. eureka-client-1 running on localhost:8081
  2. eureka-client-2 running on localhost:8082

Both these are DiscoveryClients registered with 'eureka-server' running on localhost:8761.

In code snippet below, I'm trying to call eureka-client-2 from eureka-client-1. Instead of calling http://localhost:8082, i want to call http://eureka-client-2 but this throws java.net.UnknownHostException during Eureka service discovery.

After searching, I found that i need to use "Brixton" to get it done.

Is there a way to do it with Camden.SR3 ?

Please suggest.

public class HystrixDemoService {   

    public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
        return new RestTemplate();

    @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getFallbackCustomerName")
    public String getCustomerName() {
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        URI uri = URI.create("http://eureka-client-2");     // fails here
        return restTemplate.getForObject(uri, String.class);

    public String getFallbackCustomerName() {
        System.out.println("coming inside fallback method");
        return "Resillient Customer";


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">


    <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>

        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->






application.properties for client 1, similar for client 2(just change in name i.e. eureka-client-2)

    registerWithEureka: true
      defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/
    leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds: 10
    statusPageUrlPath: /info
    healthCheckUrlPath: /health

application.properties for eureka server

    registerWithEureka: false
      defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/
    leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds: 10
    statusPageUrlPath: /info
    healthCheckUrlPath: /health
Could you show your configuration files (application.yml, application.properties, bootstrap.yml, ...)ootero
hi @ootero , I've updated the question. application.properties file.prranay
When you open Eureka server at: localhost:8761/eureka, are you able to see eureka-client-1 and eureka-client-1 registered? I think you are missing Ribbon configuration in eureka-client-1ootero
@ootero , I'm still struggling to get it right. Could you please go through the code github.com/pranayhere/SpringBootDemo . It will be very helpful .prranay
@ootero i can see eureka-client-1 and eureka-client-2 registered on localhost:8761. According to code, when I hit localhost:8081 it should return "I'm A talking to B", but since i'm getting unknownHostException, results in "I'm A talking to Resillient Customer".prranay

4 Answers


For me the only thing that I need to do to fix the issue was to add the spring annotation @LoadBalanced to

public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
    return new RestTemplate();

The solution is that you miss @LoadBalanced.
if you use Spring Boot or Sprint Cloud, I prefer to use the RestTemplateBuilder builder

  public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
    return builder.build();

If you use spring only, I suggest you to new RestTemplate()

  public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
      return new RestTemplate();

As commented earlier I believe you might be missing Ribbon configuration in eureka-client-1.

First, I would move:

public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
    return new RestTemplate();

to a configuration class.

Add Ribbon configuration to application.yml, something like:

     # Eureka vipAddress of the target service
     DeploymentContextBasedVipAddresses: eureka-client-2

     #listOfServers: localhost:${SERVER.PORT}
     NIWSServerListClassName: com.netflix.niws.loadbalancer.DiscoveryEnabledNIWSServerList

     # Interval to refresh the server list from the source (ms)
     ServerListRefreshInterval: 30000

Inject restTemplate in HystrixDemoService class instead of instantiating a new one for every request. RestTemplate is thread-safe:

public class HystrixDemoService {   

    public RestTemplate restTemplate;
    @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getFallbackCustomerName")
    public String getCustomerName() {
      URI uri = URI.create("http://eureka-client-2");
      return this.restTemplate.getForObject(uri, String.class);

where the-eureka-client-2 is a key that maps to the registered service with name: eureka-client-2

I blogged about Microservices Registration and Discovery using Spring Cloud Eureka, Ribbon and Feign which also includes source code of the Discovery server and two clients developed using Jersey 1 and Spring MVC.


Changes below worked for me.

public class DemoPranayEurekaClient1Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(DemoPranayEurekaClient1Application.class, args);

class HystrixDemoApplication {
    HystrixDemoService hystrixDemoService;

    public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
        return new RestTemplate();

    public String name() {
        String str = hystrixDemoService.getCustomerName();
        return "I'm A talking to "+str;


Below is the line of code that is used for choosing instance of eureka-client-2...

ServiceInstance instance = loadBalancer.choose("eureka-client-2");

public class HystrixDemoService {

    private LoadBalancerClient loadBalancer;

    @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getFallbackCustomerName")
    public String getCustomerName() {
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        ServiceInstance instance = loadBalancer.choose("eureka-client-2");
        URI uri = instance.getUri();
        return restTemplate.getForObject(uri, String.class);

    public String getFallbackCustomerName() {
        System.out.println("coming inside fallback method");
        return "Resillient Customer";