
I am currently trying to get an ASP.NET Core 1.1 testproject to build within the microsoft/aspnetcore-build:1.1.0-msbuild docker image.

I am running Docker on Windows 10 Pro 64 and have the newest CLI/SDK (1.0.0-preview4-004233) installed. And I think there lies the problem. The current image uses (1.0.0-preview3-004056) and throws an error "error MSB4057: The target Restore does not exist in the project." when I execute "dotnet restore" within the running container in interactive mode.

My question is: Is it the version mismatch that creates the error or am I missing something? My guess is that it has to do with some msbuild specific changes between preview3 and preview4. Can I build my own docker image that uses the right SDK version? Links to good tutorials are very appreciated.

Steps to replicate:

  • Install the newest 1.1 SDK
  • Open Powershell and navigate in an new and empty project folder
  • Validate that you have preview4 "dotnet --info"
  • Create new project "dotnet new -t Web"
  • Open the *.csproj file change netcoreapp1.0 to netcoreapp1.1 and Microsoft.NETCore.App Version to "1.1.0".
  • Restore packages "dotnet restore"
  • Test with "dotnet run"
  • Start docker-container in interactive mode docker run -it --rm -v "$pwd:/sln" --workdir /sln microsoft/aspnetcore-build:1.1.0-msbuild
  • Within the running container use "dotnet restore" to force the error

Cheers Martin


1 Answers


Tooling is still in preview, and there are huge movements about xproj/csproj project file format. So it's very probable that differences between preview3 and preview4 are critical for your project.

Install appropriate (preview3) CLI to your computer.

There is no user-friendly listing of al versions on MS site, but in docker image you can see download location like this:


Replace variables with desired values: 1.0.0-preview3-004056 and dotnet-dev-win-x64.1.0.0-preview3-004056.exe (second is guess using up-to-date file names from download page).

Now you need to set you app to use appropriate tooling version (now you have two installed). Create global.json file with:

  "sdk": {
    "version": "1.0.0-preview3-004056"

To verify: running dotnet --version from solution dir (or below) will print 1.0.0-preview3-004056, while running from any other folder will print 1.0.0-preview4-004233