
Let's say I have 3 excel files and they have multiple sheets

ExcelFile1 (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3) ExcelFile2 (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3) ExcelFile3 (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3)

Using a VBMacro how can I merge all the content of Sheet2 from each of those files into one file? Only the content of Sheet2 needs to be merged/appended such as it looks like this:

ExcelAggregateFile (Sheet1) - where Sheet1 has all aggregated content appended at the bottom from all the Sheet2 of other files.

enter image description here

What have you tried so far? Essentially, you just want to copy a range from Sheet2, paste to your main WB, Sheet1, starting at the next empty row.BruceWayne

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